Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Discussing Documentary; Visiting Elqui Valley

Dear Classmates,

Two internet postings you may want to visit.

First, the filmmaker Errol Morris and I discusses Walker Evans' documentary ethics:

Second, my wife, Irene, her daughter, Nettie, and I visit Chile's New Age Elqui Valley with Brooke Gregory, with whom Irene and I visited it in 2007 (see*), and Angela Harnish, a U.S. "Elf" (English-language fellow) assigned to teach preparing English-teachers here in Santiago. Brooke works for the Tololo telescope (, and among Angela's wonderful pictures you'll see some of the installation and of the memorable international lunch we had with Tololo astronomers--would that we had a recording of it!

Love, Bill Stott

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