Thursday, November 4, 2010

Afternoon Concert: Jennifer Carden Rogers & Judy McCabe Goodchild

Jennifer: When you've been friends since kindergarten, you can meet up for the Philharmonic, but first bother some tourist to take your picture. 

Judy: I suppose I ought to say something more lasting than ruing the fact that my tongue is sticking out! Jennifer and I had a great day, catching up and reminiscing. In spite of the fact (or perhaps because of it) that I have just had the BIG birthday and Jennifer is about to, it was amazing how much we remembered. Jennifer and I spent all our school years together, including college, except for a brief time when her family moved to Baltimore. Needless to say that covers more memories than a lunch can handle, so we must repeat it again and again. Lucky us. One bizarre fact -- I share a birthday with one of her children and she shares one with one of mine!