Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Culture of 1958, and a Comment - Michael Fox

Just to get you in the mood for our reunion event later this year, try the following website: where you will find items on 50s fads, fashions, slang, pop history, TV ratings, and more. If you're interested in the Billboard Top Rock 'n' Roll Hits of our senior year, scroll down to "Index," click on "Oldies Music," then, on the next screen, click on "Go directly to music of 1958." You can track the rest of the 50s in like manner. I'll bet you'll be surprised to (re-)learn what the number one hit of 1958 was... has at least one good CD compilation of 1958 hits.

My comment is on the article about Alzheimer's. I'm not sure what this is doing on our blog, which should be about our memories, experiences and lives, but since it is there, I guess I can add something. The reasons given for cutting down on meat and dairy in our diets (or eliminating them) are good, self-interested ones. But there are other, equally good ones. Nearly everyone now knows about the cruelties of animal agribusiness. This industry is also extremely resource consumptive (wasteful is a better word) and environmentally damaging to a high degree. A solid vegetarian diet gives you everything you need, as the article points out indirectly, and is kinder to the planet. Nuff said?

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