Thursday, October 28, 2010

Delcia and David Rusk, The New England Part of The Family

Our Rusks, Delcia and David, live in Washington, D.C., from which base he consults around the country and beyond about urban issues. Two of their three children and their families live in New England. And here they were in Burke, VT, in October 2009:
From left to right: daughter-in-law Becky and her husband, Pat, a computer worker in Boston. Next to Pat, his mother, Delcia. Then son-in-law Mark Maghini, a US Forest Ranger, married to the Rusks' daughter, Monica. Then Becky and Pat's son, Dean, and their daughter, Harley. Then Monica and Mark's daughter, Dylan. Then Delcia's sister, Monica, who was visiting from Argentina. Then David. Then Monica and Mark's son, Dan. Then Delcia's brother-in-law, Lalo.

The picture omits Delcia and David's oldest child, Gregory, who teaches Spanish and coaches soccer in New Mexico, and their daughter, Monica, who took the picture. Fortunately, we have one of her taken earlier that year before she and her family moved to Vermont. How much she looks like both her parents!

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